Monday, November 18, 2019

Creative Ways to Stand Out in a Job Interview

Creative Ways to Stand Out in a Job Interview Creative Ways to Stand Out in a Job Interview Specifically, you must find some way to make your meeting with your potential future boss and colleagues memorable- and not because you spill water on their shoes or blurt out an inappropriate response to a question. Here are 11 ways to stand out  in a job interview: 1. Be prepared. This is actually a pre-interview tip, but it will have a huge impact on the interview itself. Take time in the days and weeks before the interview to learn all you can about the company, its history, its strategy, and its leaders. Pay special attention to any information you can find about the people who will be interviewing you. This intelligence will prove invaluable when youre trying to make a connection during the meeting. 2. Remember that your interview starts in the lobby. Many organizations ask their front desk personnel to report on job candidates demeanor when they arrive for interviews. As noted in a Forbes article, If you’re ready with the name of your interviewer and time of your meeting, you appear organized. If you sit with good posture in the lounge area, you exude poise. Start your interview behavior as soon as you enter the building. 3. Be enthusiastic, but not manic. Your attitude from the first moments of the interview should be one of enthusiasm and excitement about the job and the company. Offer a firm handshake and a sincere smile to all of your interviewers, and maintain that positive vibe throughout the meeting. At the same time, keep your tone professional. If youre excessively jovial, you may come across as fake or too nervous. That likely wont bode well for your chances at getting the job. 4. Prepare for the inevitable first question. Most interviews will start with some variation of the statement, Tell us a little bit about yourself and why youre interested in (or qualified for) this position. Since you know its coming, have a strong answer ready. Prepare a concise, but informative, response, and practice it at home. This will help you start the interview with a sense of confidence that should make a good impression. 5. Always be honest and humble. This advice comes from an Inc. article, which says a willingness to admit you dont know something can be attractive to interviewers. Those who also indicate a willingness to learn beyond their current scope are even more attractive, the article says. Conversely, if a candidate claims to be the perfect fit for the job, they are most definitely not. Why? They fail to factor in the unpredictability of any job experience. 6. Imitate behaviors of your interviewer. This may sound strange, but if you pick up on the interviewers actions and reflect them (within reason and using restraint), it can help you make a connection. An article from The Muse says, For example, if your interviewer has high energy and gestures while he or she talks, strive to express that high level of liveliness. And vice versa: if your questioner is calm and serious, tame your energy down a bit. 7. Answer questions with stories and specific examples. After interviewing five or six candidates for a position, it can be difficult to remember each persons specific backgrounds and skills. Its much easier to recall an interesting story or specific example of success. Prepare some of these tales of accomplishments before the interview, and practice telling them in an engaging manner. When the time comes to share, youll be ready. 8. Give yourself reminders. Youve got a lot to study and remember as you prepare for an interview. The Forbes article suggests that you take a notebook to the meeting. This isa good place for cues to remind yourself, the article says. If you think you may forget an example, say a financial analysis you did in your last role, write Financial Analysis in big letters so you remember to mention it. Placing cues is also something you can do during Skype interviews (position Post-Its strategically around your webcam so you can see your cues but still make eye contact). 9. If you make a mistake, let it go. Most people will stumble at least once during an interview. Its hard to be on for 45 minutes or an hour and not make a single slip. But if you struggle for a minute, you cant let it derail the rest of the meeting. A Harvard Business Review article says the best thing to do at that time is to focus on the moment. Answer the current question as if its the first, and regain your poise. The interviewers may remember your skill in recovering from an error. 10. End with confidence. Dont give in to the temptation to leave abruptly when the interview is over. After the last question has been asked and answered, take a deep breath, smile, and summarize the information you included in your opening answer, adding a few reminders of points you made during the interview. Then maintain a calm demeanor as you leave. This will leave an impression of confidence and strength. 11. Say thanks. Your opportunities to make an impression dont end when you say goodbye to your interviewers. You have one more chance to express gratitude and show your creativity, according to an article from Glassdoor. A thank-you note is definitely not unusual, but a handwritten one is becoming seemingly less frequent, the article says. There’s nothing quite like receiving a note penned on good old-fashioned cardstock. You’ll most likely be one of the few who do so, and that will be cause for remembrance. Following these suggestions wont guarantee that youll get your dream job, but it should at least allow you to leave an excellent and memorable impression upon your interviewers. And thats a great place to start.

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