Sunday, June 7, 2020

Step by Step Instructions For Writing a First Resume

Step by Step Instructions For Writing a First ResumeIf you're like me, you can't get enough of the idea of finding step by step instructions for writing a first resume. You see them in college, in job fairs, on websites, in books and even in your own email inbox.But all these suggestions seem so easy to do that I can't believe people don't search for them in the search engines. The concept sounds great but it's all a bit too much.My first thought when I think about resumes is 'Why do employers even need a resume?' They could probably do without filling out one for them. For one thing, they already know who you are.It also seems that with all the electronic means of getting your information to the world now they have to have a back up in case their computers crash. This could be a single broken link, or the temporary shutdown of a network that allows one user to download thousands of pages. Either way, when this happens the records of all those resumes just disappear.So, what happens when there is no one left to apply for jobs, for that matter? Not all jobs are created equal and we have to be able to distinguish those that are and those that aren't.We need to use our brains, we need to apply some simple criteria. At least, I hope we do.In today's world there are several people using computers for some of the easier and less easy things. Those are the people who go to job fairs, and some of them are building resumes. There is a lot of competition there, and many companies and individuals just aren't getting through.Then there are the other group of difficult people and employers. They look for people with big resumes, big resumes with nothing on them. Think you might be one of these people?

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